Dear Rising Juniors,

This summer, you will be asked to read the book(s) listed under the course for which you are signed up. While reading, you should keep track of important information by annotating in the book(s). These annotations will help you with an in-class essay during your first week of classes.  

If you have any questions regarding the books for your English class, please email If you have any questions regarding the books or assignments for your social studies class, please email

Enjoy your summer!
Ms. 凯瑟琳·莫里斯                                         先生. John Maiocco 
English Department Chairperson                 Social Studies Department Chairperson
Rising juniors in the Academy, Honors (SJU), 以及英语11的预修课程, SJU American Literature, or AP Language must choose ONE 阅读下列书籍时应作注解. 请与您的父母/监护人一起查看这些选项,并使用以下网站 在你做出选择之前先评估一下这些书. All students will write an in-class essay during the first week of classes based on the book they read.

List of 8 items.

  • 绝对了不起的事情——汉克·格林

    凌晨三点在纽约闲逛, 23岁的April May偶然发现了一个巨大的雕塑. Delighted by its appearance and craftsmanship—like a ten-foot-tall Transformer wearing a suit of samurai armor—April and her best friend, Andy, make a video with it, which Andy uploads to YouTube. 第二天,爱普莉尔醒来,看到了一段病毒式传播的视频,开始了新的生活. News quickly spreads that there are Carls in dozens of cities around the world—from Beijing to Buenos Aires—and April, as their first documentarian, 发现自己成为了国际媒体关注的焦点.

    抓住机会在世界上留下自己的印记, April now has to deal with the consequences her new particular brand of fame has on her relationships, her safety, and her own identity. And all eyes are on April to figure out not just what the Carls are, but what they want from us.
  • Deadly Cross - James Paterson

    Kay Willingham led a life as glamorous as it was public — she was a gorgeous Georgetown socialite, philanthropist, and the ex-wife of the vice-president. So why was she parked in a Bentley convertible idling behind a DC private school, in the middle of the night, 和那个外围博彩平台的校长在一起? 是谁近距离射杀了他们,为什么? 这起令人震惊的双尸案在互联网上广为流传, TV, 报纸——以及亚历克斯·克罗斯的想法. Kay had been his patient once. And maybe more.

    Alex Cross and FBI Special Agent Ned Mahoney travel to Alabama to investigate Kay’s early years. There they find a world of trouble, corruption, and secrets, 他们都不对外开放,比如克罗斯和马奥尼. 加伊有许多敌人,但他们似乎都需要她活着. The harder the investigators push, the more resistance they find when they leave behind the polite law offices and doctors’ quarters of the state capital. 亚历克斯·克罗斯需要运用他作为医生的所有技能, a detective, 还有一个顾家的男人来阻止这种抵抗再次变成致命的.
  • Just Mercy - Bryan Stevenson

    这是一个令人难忘的真实故事,讲述了仁慈可能救赎我们的故事, and a clarion call to end mass incarceration in America — from one of the most inspiring lawyers of our time.

    Bryan Stevenson was a young lawyer when he founded the Equal Justice Initiative, a nonprofit law office in Montgomery, Alabama, dedicated to defending the poor, the incarcerated, and the wrongly condemned.

    Just Mercy tells the story of EJI, from the early days with a small staff facing the nation’s highest death sentencing and execution rates, through a successful campaign to challenge the cruel practice of sentencing children to die in prison, to revolutionary projects designed to confront Americans with our history of racial injustice.

    EJI的第一批客户之一是Walter McMillian, a young Black man who was sentenced to die for the murder of a young white woman that he didn’t commit. The case exemplifies how the death penalty in America is a direct descendant of lynching — a system that treats the rich and guilty better than the poor and innocent.
  • 安静的力量:原则,实践 & 《体育博彩平台》——托尼·邓吉

    托尼邓吉的话语和榜样吸引了数百万人, 特别是在他赢得超级碗之后, 这是第一位非裔美国教练. How is it possible for a coach--especially a football coach--to win the respect of his players and lead them to the Super Bowl without the screaming histrionics, the profanities, 体育运动高于一切的要求? How is it possible for anyone to be successful without compromising faith and family? 在这本鼓舞人心、发人深省的回忆录中, Coach Dungy tells the story of a life lived for God and family--and challenges us all to redefine our ideas of what it means to succeed. 包括丹泽尔·华盛顿的前言和16页的彩色照片插入.
  • Sold on a Monday -- Kristina McMorris

    The scrawled sign, 在农舍门廊上叫卖年幼的兄弟姐妹, 捕捉到了1931年席卷全国的绝望情绪. 这是一个排队领取救济、银行挤兑和各种不可能选择的时代.

    For struggling reporter Ellis Reed, 这个撕心裂肺的场景唤起了他对家庭黑暗过去的回忆. 他给孩子们拍了一张照片,不打算发表. 但当这张照片给他带来重大突破时, 后果是毁灭性的,这是他从未想象过的.

    Haunted by secrets of her own, secretary Lillian Palmer sees more in the picture than a good story and is soon drawn into the fray. Together, 两人着手纠正错误,修补破碎的家庭, at the risk of everything they value.

    灵感来源于报纸上的一张真实照片,这张照片震惊了全国的读者, this touching novel explores the tale within the frame and behind the lens—a journey of ambition, love, 以及我们行动的深远影响.
  • The Maid - Nita Prose

    Molly Gray is not like everyone else. 她在社交技巧上有困难,而且会误解别人的意图. 她奶奶过去常常为她解读这个世界, 把它整理成莫莉可以遵守的简单规则.

    Since Gran died a few months ago, twenty-five-year-old Molly has been navigating life's complexities all by herself. 没关系——她把自己投入到酒店服务员的工作中去了. Her unique character, 还有她对清洁和礼仪的痴迷, make her an ideal fit for the job. 她喜欢每天早晨穿上她那干练的制服, 在她的购物车里装满了微型肥皂和瓶子, 并将摄政大酒店的客房恢复到完美状态.

    But Molly's orderly life is upended the day she enters the suite of the infamous and wealthy Charles Black, 结果却发现那里一片混乱. Black himself dead in his bed. Before she knows what's happening, 莫莉不寻常的举止让警方把她列为头号嫌疑人. She quickly finds herself caught in a web of deception, one she has no idea how to untangle. Fortunately for Molly, friends she never knew she had unite with her in a search for clues to what really happened to Mr. 布莱克——但他们能在一切都太迟之前找到真正的凶手吗?

    Clue就像一场密室之谜和一场温暖人心的精神之旅, The Maid explores what it means to be the same as everyone else and yet entirely different—and reveals that all mysteries can be solved through connection to the human heart.
  • 我们不是本地人——珍妮·托雷斯·桑切斯

    Pulga, Chico, and Pequeña have no false illusions about the town they've grown up in and the dangers that surround them. Though their families--both biological and found--create a warm community for them, threats lurk around every corner. 当这些威胁成为现实, 这三个十几岁的孩子知道他们别无选择,只能逃往边境, for the hope of freedom, and for their very lives.

    从危地马拉穿越墨西哥,他们的目标是美国.S. border, they follow the route of La Bestia, a system of trains that promise the hope of freedom--if they are lucky enough to survive the harrowing journey. With nothing but the bags on their backs and the desperation that courses through their very veins, Pulga, Chico, Pequeña知道没有回头路了, 虽然前面的路可能很危险.

    这个故事的灵感来自真实和当前的事件, 我们南部边境的困境是活生生的.
  • You've Reached Sam - Dustin Thao

    Seventeen-year-old Julie has her future all planned out—move out of her small town with her boyfriend Sam, attend college in the city, spend a summer in Japan. But then Sam dies. And everything changes.

    Heartbroken, Julie skips his funeral, throws out his things, 尽一切努力忘记他和他悲惨的死亡方式. 但山姆在她的年鉴上留下的信息唤起了她的回忆. 非常想再听到他的声音, 朱莉打给山姆的手机只是为了听听他的语音信箱.

    And Sam picks up the phone.

    事情发生了奇迹般的转变,朱莉得到了第二次告别的机会. The connection is temporary. 但听到山姆的声音让她再次爱上了他, 每打一次电话,让他离开就变得越来越难. However, 要保守她和山姆超凡脱俗的通话秘密并不容易, 尤其是朱莉目睹了山姆一家所经历的痛苦. 不能站在一旁看着他们共同的亲人痛苦, Julie is torn between spilling the truth about her calls with Sam and risking their connection and losing him forever.
赖肯计划的大三学生必须阅读 The Maid 阅读时应该做笔记. All students will write an in-class essay during the first week of classes based on the book.

List of 1 items.

  • The Maid - Nita Prose

    Molly Gray is not like everyone else. 她在社交技巧上有困难,而且会误解别人的意图. 她奶奶过去常常为她解读这个世界, 把它整理成莫莉可以遵守的简单规则.

    Since Gran died a few months ago, twenty-five-year-old Molly has been navigating life's complexities all by herself. 没关系——她把自己投入到酒店服务员的工作中去了. Her unique character, 还有她对清洁和礼仪的痴迷, make her an ideal fit for the job. 她喜欢每天早晨穿上她那干练的制服, 在她的购物车里装满了微型肥皂和瓶子, 并将摄政大酒店的客房恢复到完美状态.

    But Molly's orderly life is upended the day she enters the suite of the infamous and wealthy Charles Black, 结果却发现那里一片混乱. Black himself dead in his bed. Before she knows what's happening, 莫莉不寻常的举止让警方把她列为头号嫌疑人. She quickly finds herself caught in a web of deception, one she has no idea how to untangle. Fortunately for Molly, friends she never knew she had unite with her in a search for clues to what really happened to Mr. 布莱克——但他们能在一切都太迟之前找到真正的凶手吗?

    Clue就像一场密室之谜和一场温暖人心的精神之旅, The Maid explores what it means to be the same as everyone else and yet entirely different—and reveals that all mysteries can be solved through connection to the human heart.
Rising juniors taking Academy US History or SJU US History must read the following book and complete the assignment here.

List of 1 items.

  • 勇气的侧面——约翰·F·肯尼迪总统. Kennedy

    Profiles in Courage 是肯尼迪总统还是美国参议员时写的吗. This Pulitzer-prize-winning book contains eight short vignettes of eight United States Senators who exhibited identifiable political courage. Their actions resisted significant political pressure from their constituents and their parties. 参议员包括:约翰·昆西·亚当斯, Daniel Webster, Thomas Hart Benton, Sam Houston, Edmond G. 罗斯、卢修斯·拉马尔、乔治·诺里斯和罗伯特·A. Taft.
对于正在学习AP美国历史的大三学生,请点击 here for your assignment.


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